Each HTTP request must have the following request headers set:

XA-API-KEY:             api-key
XA-USER:                username
XA-CONTEXT:             context (one of: submit, report, review, admin)


Action opportunity attributes

Resource Description
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/opportunity_attributes Update all opportunity attributes for an action at once
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/opportunity_attributes/<opportunityAttributeId> Set opportunity attribute for an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/opportunity_attributes/<opportunityAttributeId> Delete opportunity attribute from an action

Action resource attributes

Resource Description
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/resource_attributes Create/update/delete all resource attributes for an action
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/resource_attributes/<resourceAttributeId> Set resource attribute for an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/resource_attributes/<resourceAttributeId> Delete resource attribute from an action


Resource Description
GET //v1/announcements get a list of announcements

Funding agencies

Resource Description
GET //v1/funding_agencies get a list of funding agencies


Resource Description
GET //v1/opportunities get submission opportunities
GET //v1/opportunities/list/id1,id2,... get a list of opportunities
GET //v1/opportunities/<opportunityId> get the specified submission opportunity


Resource Description
GET //v1/orcid/check_status/<username> DEPRECATED get a user's ORCID status
POST //v1/orcid/people/<username>/<auth_code> updates a user's ORCID information
DELETE //v1/orcid/people/<username> deletes a user's ORCID information


Resource Description
GET //v1/panels get a list of panels
GET //v1/panels/<panelId> get the specified panel


Resource Description
GET //v1/people/<username> get person info from identity service
POST //v1/people/<username> add or update a person
GET //v1/search/people get people matching query string(s)
POST //v1/people/<username>/merge/<new_username> merge a username into an existing/new username


Resource Description
GET //v1/permissions/<username> get permissions for the specified person


Resource Description
GET //v1/projects get projects for the current user


Resource Description
GET //v1/reports/fos/<fosId> get requests for specified field of science
GET //v1/reports/allocations get all allocations or allocations filtered by status
GET //v1/reports/username/<username> get roles and panels for specified user
GET //v1/reports/opportunity_requests/<opportunityId> get requests for specified opportunity
GET //v1/reports/requests/<requestId> get the specified request
GET //v1/reports/request_numbers/<requestNumber> get all requests by request number with the option to filter by status
GET //v1/reports/requests Get all requests


Resource Description
GET //v1/requests get a set of requests
GET //v1/requests/<requestId> get the specified request
POST //v1/requests create a request
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId> delete a request
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/renew renew a request
GET //v1/requests/<requestId>/reviews get the reviews for a request
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/roles/<roleType>/<username> add a role
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/roles/<roleId> delete a role
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/roles/<roleId> update a role
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions add an action
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId> update an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId> delete an action
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/submit submit an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/submit withdraw a submission for an action
GET //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/validate validate an action
GET //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/required_documents_status get status for document requirements for action
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/resources/<resourceId> add/update a resource for an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/resources/<resourceId> delete a resource from an action
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/documents add a document to an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/documents/<documentId> delete a document from an action
GET //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/documents/<documentId> get a document from an action
GET //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/final_review get final review for an action
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/allocation_dates set allocation dates for an action
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/allocation_dates/<allocationDateId> update allocation dates for an action
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/actions/<actionId>/allocation_dates/<allocationDateId> delete allocations dates from an action
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/fos/<fosTypeId> add fos to a request
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/fos/<fosTypeId> delete fos from a request
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/grants add a supporting grant
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/grants/<grantId> update a supporting grant
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/grants/<grantId> delete a supporting grant
POST //v1/requests/<requestId>/publications add a publication to a request
DELETE //v1/requests/<requestId>/publications/<publicationId> delete a publication
PUT //v1/requests/<requestId>/attributes add/update request attributes


Resource Description
GET //v1/resources get all resources
GET //v1/resources/<resourceId> get the specified resource


Resource Description
POST //v1/roles/<requestNumber>/<roleType>/<username> add a role
DELETE //v1/roles/<requestNumber>/<roleType>/<username> delete a role
GET //v1/roles/<requestNumber>/Users get users on resources
POST //v1/roles/<requestNumber>/Users add or remove users from resources

Rule book action required fields

Resource Description
GET //v1/allocation_types/<allocationTypeId>/action_types/<actionTypeId>/required_fields Get required fields


Resource Description
GET //v1/types/fos get a list of all fields of science
GET //v1/types/grants get a list of grant types
GET //v1/types/documents get a list of document types
GET //v1/types/actions get a list of action types
GET //v1/types/roles get a list of role types
GET //v1/types/person_statuses get a list of person status types
GET //v1/types/permissions get a list of permission types
GET //v1/types/requests get a list of request types
GET //v1/types/request_status get a list of request status types
GET //v1/types/units get a list of unit types
POST //v1/types/units
GET //v1/types/attribute_sets get a list of attribute set types
GET //v1/types/attribute_set_relations get a list of attribute set relation types
GET //v1/types/allocation_dates get a list of allocation date types
GET //v1/types/resource_numbers get a list of resource number types
GET //v1/types/resources get a list of resource types
GET //v1/types/opportunity_states get a list of opportunity state types
GET //v1/types/all get a JSON of all types